Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Adoption, identity and differences...


After getting home from the beach a couple of weeks ago, my son R developed a fascination with my freckles. He kept asking me why I had all of those brown spots and he didn't. Now...I have to say that I have never liked my freckles and have always longed for a brown deep tan was quite amusing to me to have him be jealous of my freckles - which, after 7 days in the sun, were out in full force despite sunscreen with SPF of 50!

This is the first time I had to address the identity issues in adoption. Clearly he and I are from different backgrounds (and he was noticing the differences). I told him that I had "Irish" skin. Then he (smart boy) asked me if I was from Irish like he was from Russia. So then I said, no but my mom's mother and father were from Ireland and people from Ireland had freckles. I told him that he had skin like people from Russia (just like M & L)...

That seemed to appease him and he hasn't asked me about it since.

It has given me a much different impression of my freckles?

1 comment:

liz said...

love your web site. I am liz from california and am in the process of waiting for a referral for 2 children from rostov. I am anxious to see my moms place of birth for the first time and to see an orphanage.
hope the city is a positive place to go since my husband is very weary of going.